Welcome to my site- this is an invitation to discover what you'd like to have, do, and be in your life. Are you READY to move forward to your best life?

I have a mantra for my own life that says "Celebrate Life" and "Carpe Diem." “Carpe diem” is a phrase used by the Roman poet Horace to express the idea that one should enjoy life while one can.

Living fully, focusing on your internal compass for your purpose and health is the foundation for happiness and longevity.

I am the founder of Valente Advisory Services. My mission is to be a source of inspiration for your health, life, and business. My purpose is to catalyze your transformation as you reach for your heartfelt goals.

Let's get started- shall we?

Connie Valente, RDH

Life Transformation

  • Clarity

  • Goal Setting

  • Habit building

  • Long term Growth

Learn more…

Optimal Health

  • Awareness

  • Habits

  • Mindset

  • Consistency

Dental Hygiene Consulting

  • Strategy

  • Optimization

  • Metrics

  • Sustainability